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Pen by Diya Baral


Today I wrote a poem
With a pen.
Maybe it was totally blue ink…
Or, it was totally black ink…
Or, other colourful inks…
I didn’t know.
Whatever it was, I wrote this.

For writing any literary pieces,
Or painting any type of landscape or portrait,
We use pen.
Because, pen can express
Our sorrows, pains and sufferings,
Whatever maybe.

As I know from my childhood,
Pen is mightier than sword.
Yes! Pen is used as a weapon!
For attacking against the enemies!
We are not like
Julius Caesar,
Who stabbed one of his attackers,
With his stylus!

But we are supposed to be writers.
If it is a ball pen,
Or gel pen…
Or fountain pen…
We can use it
To express our creative ideas!
To analyse our own thoughts!

Painting Courtesy: Fountain Pen by Michael Creese

जहाँ सीता, वहीं राम by Navratra


जहाँ सीता,वहीं राम

क्या राम आयेंगे तो सब बदल जायेंगे?
हर महिला में सीता माता देख पायेंगे?
अपने अंदर के रावण को हरायेंगे,
या उद्घाटन के बाद फिर रावण बन जायेंगे?

राम नाम का ध्वज हर कोई लहराएगा,
हर घर में खुशियों का दीया जलाया जाएगा,
अयोध्या में कुम्भ का मेला सा लग जाएगा,
पर इतने लोगों की भीड़ में जब सीता को कोई हाथ लगाएगा,
तब क्या ये राम नाम ढोंग नहीं कहलाएगा?

त्रेता में सिर्फ एक रावण था,
द्वापर में सौ थे कौरव,
कलियुग में हर गली मुहल्ले में
छिन्न- भिन्न होता रहा है नारी का गौरव

राम लल्ला के आने पर
अगर ये देश बिलकुल नहीं बदल पाएगा,
तो आखिर कैसे राम नाम का
परचम लहराया जाएगा?
राम लल्ला के आने पर भी
अगर रावण नहीं घबराएगा,
तो क्या “जय श्री राम” धार्मिक से ज्यादा
राजनीतिक नहीं नज़र आएगा!

©️ नवरात्रा

Adieu…Adieu! by Diya Baral


We are like
Vladimir and Estragon,
Busy in bidding adieu to
The powerful landowner: Pozzo!
By saying, “Adieu, Adieu!”
In the end of boring Act-I,
One and only thing is
An absurd Waiting for Godot!

To start afresh,
The protagonist Zakir,
Who bids adieu to his Homeland Rupnagar,
Due to the Partition,
Though reminiscing his
Rupnagar Days,
As we see in Basti.

But the word, only one,
Single word-“adieu”,
Touches the millions of hearts,
Creates nostalgic moment
and emotional feelings!

Three years have passed
Like a bullet train!
We don’t know how!
In pandemic, those online classes
were memorable for us!
After the college reopens,
We have done lots of extra-curricular activities!
Now it’s time to bid adieu !
Now we say:- “Adieu, Adieu!”
With emotional smiles.

Painting Courtesy: Waiting for Godot by Victor Malamed/The New Yorker.

Skeleton Skin by Monobina Nath


Peeling off
my apple skin
in winter star.
curtain embraced me
to see-
my scars.

so, I’m holding
my heart
at window grilles-
to color,
to ornament
the shapes of wind-
that soothe and revitalize
my skeleton skin.

Painting Courtesy: Domestic Demise by Petty Carroll

That “Special” Ordinary Day by Navratra.


What should I ask for,
When my birthday is knocking on the door?
I’ll get lots of love and blessings,
And tons of gifts for sure!

A new dress will be ready for me,
Which I’ll wear happily
I’ll paint the town red
With my friends and family

No, I’ll not be an ordinary girl,
Though just for twenty four hours,
I’ll turn into a fairy,
With my hands full of stars

All these dreams still keep me awake
When my birthday is knocking on the door
But THEY say I am no more a kid,
Celebrating birthdays are childish ideas,
Which THEY don’t like anymore

I am growing up at the speed of light,
And this is my nineteenth birthday,
Here the problem lies
Now I can’t show my excitement,
Just for an ordinary day,
When I first opened my eyes!

Painting Courtesy: Girl in Yellow Dress by Margaret Fletcher/ Fine Art America.

On My Dinner Plate by Monobina Nath.


If I could refrigerate
my happiness into containers

then, I would place it
in my deepest lake,
in my microwave

to warm it,
to place on my dinner plate

to smell, to taste-
how it feels to be happy
on a daily basis.

Painting Courtesy: Peter Blume, Vegetable Dinner,1927, oil on canvas,in the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

As Gospel by Emalisa Rose


The circus of sandpipers
takes off, come September
though some will remain.

Today is a rain day.

We forfeit the last suns
of summertime.

Sand crafted figurines
etch-a-sketch, wave warriors
in receipt of a lifeline
vis-à-vis. by the sea’s invitation.

With the onset of storms
the winds reconvene,
perchance to erase us.

And if by pure happenstance
we connect on the crosswinds
I’ll know, we were written as gospel.

Painting Courtesy: Natalia Veyner/ Artfinder

Luggage of Life by Mohini Tiwary


As Time pass By
The “luggage ” becomes heavy for thy
Some might fall with its weight
In twenties or in their forties.

The Luggage mostly have
emotions, persons and life lessons
Don’t you think, it becomes really heavy,
When you reach your final destination?

We are born with an empty baggage
So why to fill it with things
Which are just like garbage?

Make your Luggage a little light,
Make it real bright.
Fill it with only those things
Which gives you delight!

For as you say your final Goodbye,
The very time, when you will hold it,at last!

Let your Soul smile and say

Painting Courtesy: PeakPix

White speck box of love by Monroe Gogoi Phukan


My love blows sea-ward,

I am not the waters of a sea.

Torn shoe that sipped the dirt of fate,

And let the wind polish my mistakes!

Arch crest of a beaten Sun,

You aspire too much, he said.

Fading geranium, I am but your seed

Let me grow, let me grow.

I am but my own devil,

Trapped in a white-speck box. 

Will be ashes in the phase of time,

The gutter will open it’s mouth and I’m gone.

A mother’s heart is Earth’s clearest mirror,

Fireflies being happy with light they glow…

Fading geranium, I am but your seed,

Let me grow, let me grow.

Painting Courtesy: Ira Whittaker, Artfinder


কথাৰ সুতুলি by Monroe Gogoi Phukan.


বিয়াত লগত অনা ছনদুকটোৰ ভিতৰত বৰ জতনেৰে থোৱা কাঁহৰ কাঁহী, বান বাতি, শৰাই কেইখন ধোৱলৈ আজি উলিয়ায় ললো।

মেখেলাখন কঁকালত আঁত মাৰি গুজি ললো‌‌।

বাচন ধোবা  নিদিষ্ট ঠাই দশকত আসন গ্ৰহণ কৰিলোঁ। 

“কাঁহৰ বাচন নেমু বা তেতেলীৰে ঘহী-ঘহী ধুবি, একেবাৰে সোণৰ দৰে জিলিকি উঠিব”… “মা”যে শিকাই‌ কয়ছিল।

বাৰু,‌ বাচন খিনি ধুই থাকোঁতে লক্ষ কৰিলো ‌প্ৰত্যেকটো কাঁহৰ কাঁহী,‌ বাণ বাতি,‌শৰাই কেইখনৰ ওপৰত ” ৰঙা ৰঙৰ” নখ-পালিচত “মা”ৰ বুঢ়া আঙুলিৰে চীন কৰা আছে।

দেখি বৰ আবেগিক হৈ পৰিলো‌, সথাত “মা”ৰ কোৱা আৰু এটা কথা মনত পৰি গল…

“অসমীয়া সমাজত সকামৰ বৰ মহত্ব আছে। গাঁৱৰ ওচৰ চুবুৰীয়াৰ সকাম পাতিলে, ‌নোহোৱা ৱা কম পৰি জোৱা বাচণৰ পৰা আদি কৰি‌ সকলো কৰ্ম একেলগে কৰা হয়। বোলে “ভকত সন্তুষ্ট হোৱাত মানে ভগৱন্ত সন্তুষ্ট হয়”।

সেয়ে তয়ো ঘৰৰ বাহিৰে ওচৰ চুবুৰীয়া ঘৰত সকামে-নিকামে প্ৰয়োগ অনুসৰি

কাঁহৰ বাচন দিবলৈ কতিয়াও সংকোচ নকৰিবি। 

আৰু সকামখণ ভগা পিছত এ “ৰঙা বুঢ়া আঙুলিৰ ফুটোএ তোৰ “চিনাক্ত ছিন্ন ” হৱ, “বোলে আমোকৰ ঘৰৰ কাঁহৰ কাঁহী, বান বাতি বা শৰাই এখন…”

এপৰ কথাৰ সুতুলি বজাই, বাস্তৱত উপস্থিত হলো‌হি।

চহৰৰ সমৃদ্ধ সমাজ এখনত‌ জোট জীবনৰ অন্তহীন ব্যস্ততাত এজনে আনক মাত খাৰ দিবলৈ সংকোচ কৰে। 

“Time is Money and Money is Time” কথাটোৱে জীবনৰ সহজতাক ভাভুকী দি জীয়াই থকা বৰ জটিল কৰি পেলায়ছে। মানৱ চেতনা, দয়া, আত্মীয়তাবোৰ জেন অতি বেগে ছিন্ন সব ধৰিছে।

কথাবোৰ আৰু ৱিলেখন কৰোঁ মানে গিৰিকে “মা” বুলি মাতিলে। মূৰতো তাৰ ফলে ঘোঁৰাই দেখিলো গিৰিকৰ কনমাণি হাত দুখন, 

“এতো কি কৰিলো?”‌ মই সুধাত গিৰিকে ওটৰ দিয়ে…

” মা, মই ৰঙ লগাইছো”

“কি ৰঙ” মই আকৌ সুধিলোঁ

” মা! ৰঙা ৰঙ!”

Photo courtesy: Muga Silk Page